The month of March is Brain Tumour Awareness Month and this is when people come together to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research. Wear A Hat Day on 25th March is a national fundraising day; raising funds and creating awareness is essential, their mission is to build a network of experts in sustainable brain tumour research.
I was delighted to be contacted by a lady called Emma last year and at the time happily donated a gift voucher for hat hire for a raffle she was holding. This year, Emma got in touch again. Emma's husband, Stuart has a brain tumour and only two years ago had a major craniotomy, gruelling radiotherapy and months of chemo to help keep it at bay.

During February, Stuart walked 10,000 steps a day to raise money for this cause. He faced storms Dudley, Eunice and Franklin! Emma asked if she and Stuart could come and visit me at The Hattery to try on some hats and take some photographs to help raise awareness on their social media platforms of Wear A Hat Day.

I was so happy to be able to help this lovely family and we had a marvellous time; here are the results of our fabulous photo shoot which also include Delilah, just three years old and full of fun! Hats are my passion and I am so glad that I can share them all with you when you visit The Hattery, but it is also marvellous to help others in any way.
I hope you enjoy these photos, but also please do check their Instagram links and help raise awareness of this important mission and if you are able, perhaps donate. We never know what is around the corner.
Take care Hat Lovers and don't forget to Wear a hat on Wear a Hat Day...
Best wishes,